Erik Tonning

I mai arrangerte professor Erik Tonning (for tiden leder ved Studiesenteret i York) konferansen Historicizing Modernism and Modernist Archives  og her kan du høre åpningsinnlegget hans fra konferansen:

Åpningsinnlegg Erik Tonning

This conference marks the publication of 30 books in the two book series Historicizing Modernism and Modernist Archives with Bloomsbury Academic. Archival excavation and detailed contextualisation is becoming increasingly central to scholarship on literary modernism. In recent years, the increased – and often online – accessibility and dissemination of previously unpublished or little-known texts has led to paradigm-shifting scholarly interventions across a range of canonical and lesser-known authors, neglected topics, and Critical methodologies including genetic criticism, intertextuality, book history, and historical documentation. This trend is only bound to increase as large-scale digitisation of archival materials gathers pace, and existing copyright restrictions gradually lapse.